The Cat® spark-ignited generator product line for stationary applications feature permanent magnet excitation, amortisseur winding, skewed stator, voltage adjustment through the EMCP controller, Class H winding insulation and 2/3 pitch incorporated.
DG200-2 (3 phase)
Generator Set Specifications
Spec Value Frequency 60 Hz Natural Gas Rating 200 eKW Emissions/Fuel Strategy U.S. EPA Certified for Non-Emergency Application Displacement 864.71 in Fuel Type Natural Gas Speed 1800 rpm -
Engine Specifications
Spec Value Engine Model 14.2 L, Inline 6, 4 Cycle, Spark - Ignited Fuel System Carburetor, Down Draft Aspiration Turbocharged-Aftercooled Governor Type Electronic Compression Ratio 9.5:1 Bore 5.31 in Stroke 6.5 in -
Generator Set Dimensions
Spec Value Length 127.95 in Width 52.93 in Height 67.37 in Weight 5756 lb
Standard Equipment
- Closed coolant recovery system
- Factory-installed radiator
- 50/50 Ethylene glycol antifreeze
- Radiator and cooling fan complete with protective guards
- Standard ambient temperatures up to 50°C (122°F)
Air Inlet
- Single element air filter
- Primary and secondary fuel shut-off
- Low fuel pressure switch
- Fuel pressure test po
- Natural Gas or LP Vapor
- NPT connection
- Dual lock off valves
- Exhaust outlet with 3” pipe
- Permanent magnet excitation
- Full load capacity alternator
- Class H insulation material
- Permanent magnet excitation
- Integrated Voltage Regulator
- Matched to the performance and output characteristics of Cat engines
- Class H insulation material
- Full load capacity alternator
- IP23 Protection
- EMCP 4.2 Series generator set controller
- Vibration isolaton (puck type)
- Rubber vibration isolators
Electric Power - Package Serial Number Prefix
- Battery charging alternator
Electric Starting and/or Prelube
- Battery cables
- Solenoid activated starter motor
- Engine electrical system
- Solenoid activated starter motor
- Electronic governor (non adjustable)
Control Panel
- EMCP 4.2 Series generator set controller
- Batteries with rack and cables
- 12 volt starting motor
Optional Equipment
- Jacket water heater
- Battery heater
- Charging alternator
- Battery charger – UL Listed 10 amp
- Enclosures: sound attenuated, weather protective
- Suitable for Use as Service Equipment (SUSE)
- Automatic transfer switches (ATS)
- UL 2200 package
- CSA Certification
- Thermal magnetic or electronic trip MCCBs
- Anti-condensation heater
- Shunt trip and auxiliary contact breaker
- Anti-condensation heater
- Excitation: [ ] Permanent Magnet Excited (PM)
- Oversize and premium generators
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